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2015年小学五年级英语教案-I'd like a cold drink教案

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-11-17 21:47:37

众所周知,现在从小学开始不管是大城市还是农村的学校,都开始了英语的教学,从小抓英语也不是什么坏事,反而会对孩子以后的学习起到巨大的帮助作用,请看下文2015年小学五年级英语教案-I'd like a cold drink教案。

I’d like a cold drink?

Teaching Contents:

Grasp words: water, shop, ill, biscuit, worry, a cold drink Grasp sentences: Can I help you?

I’d like a cold drink.

Key points:

Talking for permission and offering help. I’d like a cold drink. Can I have …, please? Yes. Here you are. No, you can’t.


CAI, tape record, pictures, cards

Teaching course:

Step1. Warming-up

1、Sing the song /, and do the actions.

2、Free talk

T: Can you run? Can you pick up this bag? Show me.

T:Ask and answer with your partner.

Step2: Text teaching

1、 Watch a cartoon. And think it over, what does the doctor advise her? S:Don’t ……

T:Can she watch TV?

Can she have a drink? And so on.


①Talk with the children

T: Now I am the girl, you are the doctor. Can I have an ice cream? S:No, you can’t.

T: Now I want to do something, but first I should get your content. Ready? Can I read a book?

S: Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.

②Show the answers on the blackboard.

③Change the role

T: This time you can do what you want to do, but also must get my content. S: Can I have a rest?

T: Yes, you can.

Then the student can have a rest

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